1974 XLCH 1000 Sportster
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Bought from the previous owner in 1976 after an unfortunate accident in which he lost his left leg from the knee down (cager side-swiped him), this kick-only sportie is what I've been riding up until the Fat Bob was done.  A hell of a fun bike to ride, but not too comfortable for the passenger (my wife barely tolerated Main Street in Daytona).  Then again... comfort for the passenger isn't exactly why I love this little screamer.:

Click on a picture to view in full size:

74xlch-FR.JPG (75698 bytes) 74xlch-PR.JPG (75877 bytes) 74xlch-RR.JPG (69893 bytes) 74xlch-RL.JPG (89823 bytes)

74xlch-PL.JPG (80518 bytes) 74xlch-MR.JPG (69516 bytes) 74xlch-forkdetail.JPG (67207 bytes)