1977 FLH 1200
Home Up


Until he upgraded to a 2000 twincam Electraglide, this is Dad's most recent ride (pics to come soon of the previous bikes).  I believe the color is called Chrome Yellow.  Unless he's changed his mind, I'm pretty sure he's interested in selling this bike to someone who will enjoy it as much as he has.  E-mail me for details.:

Click on a picture to view in full size:

77flh-FR.JPG (73327 bytes) 77flh-PR.JPG (72746 bytes) 77flh-RR.JPG (67084 bytes) 77flh-RL.JPG (82874 bytes)

77flh-PL.JPG (82855 bytes) 77flh-FL.jpg (75920 bytes) 77flh-reardetail.JPG (76355 bytes) 77flh-fenderdetail.JPG (46549 bytes)